
I have decided to put together a $this->page, that details all the tech that's used to keep this website running. You can share your own $this->page by sending a pull request to the README here.

White neon wallpaper © Austin Chan


  • SvelteKit - SvelteKit allows me almost everything I need for developing small websites on the side. Also, not having to babysit servers due to static builds is a huge plus.

  • Tailwind CSS - I am not very good at writing front-end code or have found this exercise enjoyable in the past. Tailwind makes CSS a pleasure to write and I find myself learning a lot about CSS in the process.

  • LineAwesome - Font Awesome is, well, awesome, but I’ve seen it in way too many projects. Line Awesome keeps the same classes as its predecessor but gives your website a fresh look.

  • Unsplash - trust me - I used to take photos for a long time and great photos are hard to take. Try writing blogs and taking pictures. Unsplash makes this process easy for me and we do our best to also give credit to the authors of those shots and hopefully they get rewarded for their work.


  • Aspire - I have been looking for a beautiful, yet informal and playful page template for a while. Although I changed a lot of parts, I have been heavily inspired by this template. If you’re in the market for some web theme, give the creators some love.


  • Github - All my code lives on Github. My personal projects, my open source work and some of my client work. If it works, don’t fix it.

  • Cloudflare Pages - Cloudflare Pages are directly linked to my repositories and every push to the main and staging branches triggers a deploy. The staging also comes with a vanity domain, so I can have it proofread before sharing it.

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